September update

So, I thought we would have all the time in the world to update this blog regularly but it’s looking like I’ll need to schedule in time to do so!

After our field trip to the Lick Observatory, I had a pretty insane week at work so we didn’t get to do much exploring in early September. Nick, however, drove across the Golden Gate bridge and all the way to Petaluma just for fun:


The other big September news is that we found an apartment!! Actually it’s a house for rent in somewhat-downtown San Jose. We compromised a little on location (we had really wanted a walkable neighbourhood with lots of little shops and such, a la The Glebe or Westboro in Ottawa) for the perfect place. We’ve signed a two-year lease and are super happy about not having to move again for a while!! Pam (that’s me) has moved about 25 times in the last 28 years so needless to say, very very happy about settling down for a couple of years.

We also headed back to Ottawa for a wedding, two birthday parties, and a huge family gathering. It was amazing and wonderful to see people again after only a month living in San Jose. Below is a picture of Calabogie Lake in September. We have now heard it is snowing back in Ottawa and definitely feel a little smug since it’s still beautiful here, our plants are still green and we don’t yet need jackets (maybe a light sweater).




Pam also passed her driving test with flying colours (yay!!) despite some SEVERE ANXIETY. It’s nerve-wracking taking a driving test after so long!! Nick also passed his with flying colours, except apparently he can’t have the actual card licence until he receives his Social Security Number 🙁 He has now received his Work Authorization from the United States government, and applied for his SSN, so everything should start lining up soon. This also means he can start looking for a job any time now! I have enjoyed having a house-husband but he has been getting very bored with house-husband tasks lately 🙂

We are picking up our car, a red Ford Mustang convertible, on Tuesday, so I will post again soon with house and car updates 🙂

Here are some pictures from our recent wanderings…San Jose scenery, bottomless mimosas (!!) and an In-N-Out burger which is a local chain with a not-so-secret menu.




