Winter Adventures Part 2: Ottawa Edition

Nick and I were super excited to go home to Ottawa for Christmas. We really miss our family and friends, and were really looking forward to spending lots of time with them. But perhaps most of all, we were excited for two things……Canadian beer, and Caesars!! We had a two-hour layover in Toronto and the first thing we did was go find a bar (that actually sounds really sad, but perhaps if you’re Canadian you will understand the draw of a Caesar after 4 months of Bloody Marys).
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We were also pretty excited for the snow. There’s no snow in San Jose, just a lot of rain, and this one time that we had frost on the windshield of the Mustang and had to run the defrost for ten minutes to melt it off.2012-12-19 08.25.04


Well, as soon as we arrived in Ottawa, it began to snow. It snowed so much over the next ten days that many flights were cancelled, our rental car got stuck in a snow bank, and by the time we were leaving to come home to San Jose, we had had quite enough of it!!

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There were also wild turkeys up near Calabogie Lake and the family cottages. When Nick’s dad warned us about these, we thought he was joking.

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We had a blast with all of our family and friends, and we even had some down time to just relax and read or play games. Our new favourite party game is called Cards Against Humanity, and it’s just a ton of fun — I highly recommend picking it up. We played it at least four times. Note: goes well with beer.

Photo Dec 21, 18 54 15

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