SF Zoo & The Flying Karamazov Brothers

It’s been busy and the weather has been super beautiful in San Jose!! It’s been distracting me from updating because I just want to be outside all the time, and then I’m too tired to update the blog!

We’ve been up to a bunch of cool new stuff, but I want to start where we left off — when we came back from our Seattle road trip. The Friday after we got back, a friend was in town for work, and joined us at a play we were seeing that night at the San Jose Repertory Theatre (yes, they actually spell THEATRE correctly!!) called The Flying Karamazov Brothers. The play was more of a live-action memoir, and told the story of the FKB from their inception in 1973 through to today. There was lots of juggling, jokes, and audience participation. We thoroughly enjoyed it. There are a ton of clips on YouTube (one is linked there) if any of you care to check them out.

The next day, we met some other friends up at the San Francisco Zoo for a day of walking around and checking out the animals. The weather was gorgeous and sunny and we had a blast at the zoo, and then driving home the long way along hwy 1 and up through the hills along Pescadero Creek Rd, with lots of switchbacks and crazy hills (Nick’s favourite).

Here are some pics of our zoo trip for your enjoyment:

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These birds below were super sad, chained to their posts and just not even bothering to attempt to fly away.

Zoos are kind of weird places. It’s fun to see the animals but some of them look super sad or lonely. Like in the article I linked to, I’m not sure what to think, because to Professor Hyson’s point, we are very lucky to be able to witness animals up close that most of us would never, ever have the opportunity to see in the wild. But it is totally sad to see them in captivity, especially the ones who clearly don’t want to be there.

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