Wrights in Oz!
Hello from sunny Sydney!!
How fitting that the first line of my previous post is “All good things must come to an end”…
Nick and I had no idea while we were on our road trip through SoCal that in just a few short months we would be gone from San Jose and living on the complete other side of the world. We were set to stay in San Jose for at least another three years, and maybe even longer. We had even kicked off the process to apply for permanent residency (green cards)!
However, in late summer, I learned of an incredible career opportunity, still with Adobe, but in Sydney, Australia. After lots of discussion with Nick and going back and forth (wtf are we doing? we JUST moved to San Jose 2 years ago! we finally have friends! we finally figured out health insurance!), we decided to go for it! With no kids, no pets, no debts and no property other than our beloved Mustang, all of our excuses seemed silly. And after an intense round of interviews, some at 9pm on Sunday nights due to time zone craziness…I got the job…then the visa paperwork was turned around incredibly quickly (filed on Sept 18, approved on Sept 24), and on October 15 our things were being shipped off to an ocean liner and we were on a plane!
We’ve had some amazing experiences so far in Oz, and now that we’re a bit more settled in, I’m looking forward to bringing the blog up to speed in the coming days with our latest adventures!