Leaving San Jose was a bit sad for us. Not only because we had to sell our coast-mobile dream car ๐ but also because we really had made some significant connections there with people who we were now close to. We also both really loved ย the area – with a special fondness for San Francisco in particular.
We spent our last few weeks in SJ re-visiting old favourites (especially making sure we got our fill of Mexican food).
Let me take you through our farewell to San Jose in a few photos…
Attended a J Lohr wine tasting seminar (J Lohr is a popular San Jose winery – and one of our favorites).Spent a lovely weekend at a friend’s lake house – one last Tahoe summer.Attempted to ride our bikes from San Jose to San Francisco…and failed at mile 30…right about here.Consolation beers after failing on our quest to ride to SF, at “The Refuge” in Menlo Park – which, incidentally, has some of the absolute best smoked meat/pastrami I have ever tried in my life. And yes, I’ve been to Swartz’s.Had a big party and got rid of most of our booze – this is what was left that we donated to some friends of ours who had to get rid of all of THEIR booze when they moved to San Jose. Hey, what goes around, comes around, right??Went for copious amounts of Mexican food.And sangria, natch.Sold the car ๐And immediately after selling the car, rented a Corvette Stingray Convertible for our last weekend in the Bay.And drove the Corvette down to Carmel-by-the-Sea, an adorable little resort town on the Pacific Ocean, for a peaceful B&B stay, in anticipation of the next few weeks being totally insane as we moved our life around to the other side of the world.Took the ‘vette on a drive round Pebble Beach and stopped to check out the stunning views. This is a golf course!!I said goodbye to co-workers..…packed up my office……and said goodbye to the mothership. (for now)Then it was time for one more visit to San Francisco. Hello, painted ladies!Breakfast at Mama’s – a SF institution.One more drive across the Golden Gate…and we were off to the airport!