30 before 30: Final Update

Back in 2013 I shared my 30 before 30 list on this blog, separated into 2 posts of things I had done, and things I still had to do:

I turned 30 in September of 2014, and as I predicted, definitely did not achieve all of the items on my list! I did have an amazing time checking off the ones I did complete, and checked off a few other things that weren’t on the list in the meantime.

Of the items left on the “Still To Do” list in September 2013, here’s what I did manage to accomplish:

Take A Course On Wine Tasting: Nick and I attended a one-night seminar at J Lohr in San Jose and learned a lot about what makes a wine sweet vs tart, what gives it that viscous mouthfeel, and how to spot different scents (J Lohr set up about 50 wine glasses with berries, fruits, nuts, coffee, etc mixed in with the wines to help with this – so cool!)

The lineup of scent-enhanced wines.
The lineup of scent-enhanced wines.
So many glasses!
So many glasses!

Run a 5k in under 30 minutes: After posting last time that this was a goal I really just needed to suck up and check off, I started a running program and signed up for a 5k color run (that actually turned out to be a grueling 5 miles), and I’m happy to say achieved my goal!….and then promptly abandoned running 🙂

After...through the lens of my iPhone camera which would never be the same after this.
After…through the lens of my iPhone camera which would never be the same after this.

Visit Australia: OK, so even though I technically completed this one a month after my 30th birthday, and technically relocated to vs visited, I’m calling this a win 🙂

2014-10-16 15.41.54

So, to recap, here’s the full list, with completed items in bold. Hey, 20 out of 30 ain’t bad!

  1. Skydive (Abel Tasman, NZ, 2012)
  2. Wine tasting tour in California (Sonoma, Napa, Livermore, Paso Robles…you name it – 2012 through 2014)
  3. Visit New Zealand with my brother & sister (2011)
  4. Learn to snowboard or ski (Calabogie, 2011)
  5. Shoot a gun (Stittsville, 2011)
  6. Bungy jump (Queenstown NZ, 2010)
  7. Visit Paris (2009)
  8. Visit London (2009)
  9. Visit somewhere surprising (Tokyo, 2010)
  10. Fly first class (2010)
  11. Get a tattoo (2011)
  12. Visit Vancouver (2012)
  13. Visit Las Vegas (2010)
  14. Take a course on wine tasting (2014)
  15. Run a 5K in 30 minutes or less (2014)
  16. Visit Australia (2014)
  17. Learn to sail
  18. (Re)learn a language
  19. (Re)learn a musical instrument
  20. Stay in a presidential suite
  21. Visit Hawaii
  22. New England Road Trip
  23. Visit every continent (except Antarctica)
  24. Take a last-minute trip
  25. Lose 30 lbs
  26. Be making some progress on some sort of formal education (MBA, Bcom)
  27. The last four are goals that I am not comfortable sharing publicly, but I have achieved them! Yay!

Next up…move some of these to the 40 before 40 list! 🙂

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